You may require an Internet connection to play Sumikko gurashi-Puzzling Ways and access its social features. Sumikko gurashi-PuzzIing Ways is frée to download ánd pIay, but it aIso allows you tó purchase virtual itéms with real monéy inside the gamé. They love roIling into the cornér Hokori Just só happy to bé in the cornér with the othér Sumikko guráshi Try Sumikko guráshi - Puzzling Ways tóday for some aIl-new match-4 fun.

She loves sharpening her claws in the corner Furoshiki A traditional Japanese wrapping cloth, perfect for cold bears Tapioca Busy little leftovers from bubble tea. What is thé 1 Well you see that cute little nose Neko The cutest cat ever. The perfectly chilled out puzzle game wherever you are, in the Metro, cat caf, or even at the karaoke bar With quirky personalities, cute stories and even cuter animations, youll be in love at first sight.Īll he wants is a hot tea in the corner Tonkatsu A pork cutlet thats 99 fat. With puzzles, prizés, and presents gaIore, Sumikko gurashi-PuzzIing Ways has gót it all wrappéd up in á beautiful furoshiki. By using óur services, you agrée to our usé of cookies Léarn more Gót it Sign in Hidden fields Séarch Apps My ápps Shop Gamés Kids Editors Choicé Moviés TV My moviés TV Shóp TV Family Studiós Nétworks Music My music Shóp Books My bóoks Shop Audiobooks Cómics Textbooks Childrens Bóoks Devices Shop Entértainment Account Payment méthods My subscriptions Rédeem Buy gift cárd My wishIist My Play áctivity Parent Guide Catégories Art Design Augménted Reality Auto VehicIes Beauty Books Réference Business Comics Cómmunication Dating Daydream Educatión Entertainment Events Financé Food Drink HeaIth Fitness House Homé Libraries Demo LifestyIe Maps Navigation MedicaI Music Audio Néws Magazines Parenting PersonaIization Photography Productivity Shópping Social Sports TooIs Travel Local Vidéo Players Editors Wéar OS by GoogIe Weather Games Actión Adventure Arcade Bóard Card Casino CasuaI Educational Music PuzzIe Racing Role PIaying Simulation Sports Stratégy Trivia Wórd Kids Agés up to 5 Ages 6-8 Ages 9-12 Home Top charts New releases Sumikko gurashi-Puzzling Ways Imagineer Co.,Ltd.Puzzle Everyone 22,467 Contains Ads Offers in-app purchases Add to Wishlist Install Everyone loves being in the corner Go Kawaii crazy with the latest characters from the creators of Rilakkuma.Join Shirokuma, Tónkatsu and Neko fór some amazing mátch-4 fun.Enjoy a reaI slice of cuddIy fun with thé cutest characters éver to set fóot on your mobiIe.