All color arcade games prior to Galaxian faked the color by applying colored strips to the screen of a black and white display. Galaxian is officially the first video arcade game to produce true RGB color. It was the first game from Namco to run on a Zilog Z80 processor. And so in 1979, Galaxian arrived, and succeeded in stealing away some of the yen from Space Invaders thanks to its improvement in color technology and increased complexity. They decided that not only could they make a Space Invaders-type game, they could expand and improve upon the formula. Meanwhile, the manufacturing company known as Namco was experiencing their own success distributing arcade machines. Hardware.In 1978, Japan's 100-yen coins were diverted away from the usual pachinko parlors to a little phenomenon known as Space Invaders. ↑ Galaxian CSEE 4840 Embedded System Design (University of Columbia).Serizawa Hachidan no Tsume Shougi (1982).Sega licensed arcade games that ran on this hardware include: Background planes: Multi-directional scrolling, parallax scrolling.Jump Bug made the following modifications to the hardware later in 1981: Super Cobra (and its predecessor Scramble) added the following upgrade to the hardware in early 1981: Sprites per scanline: 7 sprites, 112 texels.

Colors per sprite: 4 colors (3 opaque, 1 transparent).Sprite plane: Line buffer, sprite flipping, sprite animation.